PORTCONTROL™ - Port management information systems

The PORTCONTROL™ port management information system (PMIS) is a modular, configurable software solution that incorporates industry best practices from ports around the world. It makes ports more efficient by automating workflows and seamlessly linking port activity data with financial operations to generate faster and more accurate billing.

PILOTCONTROL™ - Pilotage management system

PILOTCONTROL™ is an enterprise software created for pilots and gives pilots mobile access to the timely, accurate information they need to do their jobs. It helps Pilotages improve the efficiency of their pilot dispatching function and manage pilot rotation, activities, schedules and status.  Agents, ports and other stakeholders can access the information they need through a secure web interface. The integrated billing module provides timely, accurate invoicing for pilotage services, improving cash flow and revenue generation.

R40 - AIS base station

The R40 Base Station from Saab is the main component of a Physical AIS Shore Station as defined by IALA. Its main purpose is to receive data from and transmit data to AIS-equipped vessels, traveling within the coverage area of the Base Station. This will give the possibility to monitor and follow ships’ movements in an efficient way.

CoastWatch - Coastal surveillance network

The CoastWatch Coastal Surveillance Network (CoastWatch/CSN) is a maritime monitoring and control system, designed for multiple applications. It combines modern technology with years of experience in sensor data fusion, advanced signal processing, and real-time distributed surveillance. More than 30 of these systems are operational, including the largest AIS network in the world. CoastWatch/CSN provides a robust, scalable and highly adaptable network system that supports multi-layered system design.